
Northmen red carpet

And now for something completely different. My work from the red carpet at the start of the german version of Northmen A Viking Saga from yesterday evening is being featured on the facebook accounts of the movie and nordmedia.
I didn't get the chance to see the film though. But if you're in for some viking action, I heard it's worth to check it out. And of course, when you are a fan of Ken Duken, Tom Hopper and Anatole Taubman.

Ken Duken

Tom Hopper

Anatole Taubman

Die lange Nacht der Fotografie

I will be one of the guests in the “Lange Nacht der Fotografie” at radio leinehertz So if you ever wondered what I have to say, you can listen to the show over the internet. It’s live and will start at midnight tonight, but can also be downloaded as a podcast later. I hope.
German only. Sorry.

As my exhibition in Hiroshimas former branch of the japanese bank comes to an end I look back on a very moving week. A very special thanks goes out to Claire, my better half for her support from the first until the last step of the whole project. ht…

As my exhibition in Hiroshimas former branch of the japanese bank comes to an end I look back on a very moving week. A very special thanks goes out to Claire, my better half for her support from the first until the last step of the whole project.
During this week I got a lot of feedback, I was once more overwhelmed by the reception my work got. Mrs Sumikawa and Mrs Ogawa showing up really meant the world to me! Thank you so much. And thanks for the tomatoes.
Also a big thank you to everybody who took part in the preparation, calling, mailing, translating, encouraging me, driving me, pushing me, giving me sense and direction when I lost it. And thank you to everybody who looked at the pictures, shared a thought, talked about it, wrote about it. Please continue to do so and have an eye on Fukushima. Recent events make me very afraid of the future. My experience of the last four month is, that here in Japan the awareness is not nearly as high as it should be. So please watch and share: