
The paper is here for the book binding

So this week the paper arrived from Pulp Papier. Leah is doing awesome work, importing paper from Japan. It's mostly handmate, sometimes even handpainted and just gorgeous. I ordered different sheets, which will give the books a more individual feel, since there will only be a couple of books made with the same pattern.
Handling last details with the printer now, so next week will all be about printing. Really exited to see the final results!

Lecture on Hiroshima and Iwaishima

For all of you who missed out on the exhibition and for all of you who would like to know more, here is your chance. I will be giving a lecture on the Black Rain Hibakusha project and Iwaishima – Autumn Shadow in Hanover at the new city hall. Hiroshima memorial day August 6th at 16 o'clock I will talk about both projects, show pictures and be happy to answer any kinds of questions. Hope to see you there!

Exhibition of Iwaishima – Autumn Shadow

The last weeks flew by so quick, I can't yet believe that the main part of my project on Iwaishima is finished now. I made a book and besides that became a Bachelor of Art. Wow. The eight other graduates and me celebrated that with a verniassage for our final exhibition at Galerie für Fotografie in Hanover until July 17th you will have the chance to see all nine final works for free. Don't miss out!